And now, what's going to happen to us without barbarians?
They were, those people, a kind of solution.

[C. Cavafy, "Waiting for the Barbarians"]

Dimitrios Kanoulas, Ph.D.
Professor in Robotics and AI
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow

University College London (UCL)
Department of Computer Science
Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK

e-mail: echo "" | sed 's!name!d.kanoulas!'


At University College London (UCL), Department of Computer Science:
  1. “COMP0129: Robotic Sensing, Manipulation and Interaction” (MSc/MRes students): Master course. [Fall 2019 (30 students), Spring 2021 (50 students), Spring 2022 (60 students)].

Teaching Assistant

At Northeastern University between 2008 and 2012 I was Teaching Assistant for the courses:
  1. “CSU390: Theory of Computation”: This undergraduate course serves as an introduction to formal models of languages and computation. [Fall 2008, Spring 2009].

  2. “CS4300: Computer Graphics”: This undergraduate course focuses on fundamental math- ematics, algorithms, data structures, and programming techniques that are at the core of modern 2D and 3D graphics applications in practice. [Spring 2011].

  3. “CS5010: Program Design Paradigms”: This graduate course focuses on designing pro- grams, from problem analysis to the development of test suites. [Fall 2011, Spring 2012].

  4. CTY Project Robotics and Applied Computing Day Program for Gifted Middles School students: Designed and run a full day robotics course for middle school students based on the Open Hardware Mobile Manipulator (OHMM) platform. [December 2012].

Reading Group Organizer

I have also organized and run the following reading groups:
  1. Algorithmic Game Theory: [Fall 2008, Spring 2009]

  2. Perception for Robotics: [Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2013, Spring 2014]

  3. Applied Geometric Representation and Computation: [Spring 2017], [Summer 2017]