
Date Topic/Notes Reading Assignment out/due
W6 (1/10) Course Introduction
Corke Ch. 1 HW0 out, HW0 due
W6 (3/10) Research Presentation 1 & 2
Reading List: [1], [2] Presenter: D. Kanoulas
Questions: all teams
W7 (8/10) Representing Poses in Robotics Corke Ch. 2 HW1 out
W7 (10/10) Research Presentation 3 & 4
Reading List: [3], [4] Presenter: Team-1 [3], Team-2 [4]
Questions: Team-3, Team-4
W8 (15/10) Robot Kinematics for Manipulation
Corke Ch 7.1--7.2
W8 (17/10) Research Presentation 5 & 6
Reading List: [5], [6] Presenter: Team-3 [5], Team-4 [6]
Questions: Team-5, Team-6
W9 (22/10) Exteroceptive Sensing
Siegwart Ch. 4 HW1 due, HW2 out
W9 (24/10) Research Presentation 7 & 8
Reading List: [7], [8] Presenter: Team-5 [7], Team-6 [8]
Questions: Team-7, Team-8
W10 (29/10) Proprioceptive Sensing Siegwart Ch. 4
W10 (31/10) How to Write Research Reports Presenter: Dimitrios Kanoulas
W11 (5/11) Reading Week
W11 (7/11) Reading Week
W12 (12/11) Grasping I HW2 due, Research Report due, HW3 out
W12 (14/11) MSc Final Research Project Presentation Presenter: Dimitrios Kanoulas
W13 (19/11) Grasping II
W13 (21/11) Research Presentation 9 & 10
Reading List: [9], [10] Presenter: Team-7 [9], Team-8 [10]
Questions: Team-9, Team-10
W14 (26/11) Whole-Body Control 101: Kinematics Dr. Enrico Mingo Hoffman (IIT) HW3 due, Final Project out
W14 (28/11) Research Presentation 11 & 12
Reading List: [11], [12] Presenter: Team-9 [11], Team-10 [12]
Questions: Team-1, Team-2
W15 (3/12) Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration Dr. Wan-soo Kim (IIT)
W15 (5/12) GCourse Recap Presenter: Dimitrios Kanoulas
W16 (10/12) Final Project Preparation and Presentations Final Project and Report due
W16 (12/12) Final Project Preparation and Presentations Final Project and Report due